
The Accio agent exposes a rich administrative interface, accessible at the address and port specified by the -admin.port flag. It is especially useful for monitoring and debugging purposes.


A human-readable metrics endpoint is available under /admin/metrics, while a machine-readable metrics endpoint is exposed under /admin/metrics.json:

curl -s localhost:9990/admin/metrics.json | python -mjson.tool | head

The output should look similar to this:

    "finagle/aperture/coordinate": -1.0,
    "finagle/aperture/peerset_size": -1.0,
    "finagle/build/revision": 580932930000.0,
    "finagle/clientregistry/initialresolution_ms": 1,
    "finagle/clientregistry/size": 0.0,
    "finagle/future_pool/active_tasks": 0.0,
    "finagle/future_pool/completed_tasks": 0.0,
    "finagle/future_pool/pool_size": 0.0,
    "jvm/application_time_millis": 33896.75,

Learn more

More information about the administrative interface and all its features is available on this page.