Hello World tutorial
This tutorial is intended to feature Accio main capabilities.
It assumes that you are working from a local Vagrant environment.
Once logged onto the virtual machine, you have access to the Accio client.
Type accio
and look at the built-in help.
Launching an experiment
We will use examples provided with Accio to quickly create a first experiment.
Examples of workflow and run definitions ready to be launched can be found etc/examples
First, push a workflow to the cluster:
accio push /vagrant/etc/examples/workflow_Geo-I.json
The output is similar to this:
[OK] Pushed workflow: workflow_Geo-I
[OK] Done in 2.54 s.
You can verify that the workflow has indeed been created:
accio get workflows
The output is similar to this:
Id Owner Created Name
workflow_Geo-I John Doe moments ago Geo-I nominal workflow
Then, create a first run for this workflow:
accio submit workflow_Geo-I url=/vagrant/etc/examples/geolife epsilon=0.01
The output is similar to this:
[OK] Created run: 97db38ca34d248a8b9357e1fdd0ccb89
[OK] Done in 1.808 s.
You can now check that the run has indeed been created and is being executed:
accio get runs
The output is similar to this:
Run id Workflow id Created Run name Status
97db38ca34d248a8b9357e1fdd0ccb89 workflow_Geo-I moments ago <no name> Running
If the run does not appear, it may be because it is already completed. By default completed runs are hidden, but they may be retrieved by adding a flag:
accio get runs -all
Web interface
Accio also comes with a Web interface giving access to information about workflows and runs. If you are using the local Vagrant environment, the Web interface should be accessible at