Command: get

The get command displays a list of resources.


accio get [<options>] type

This command accepts a single argument, the type of resource to display. Valid resource types are:

  • workflow
  • run
  • operator

Resource types can be used either singular or plural. By default it displays only active resources (e.g., runs being executed), but the -all option can override this behavior. Resources are returned in reverse chronological order (when applicable), the most recently created one being the first result.


  • -all: Display all resources, including inactive ones.
  • -owner=<string>: Display only resources belonging to a given owner (specified by his exact username).
  • -tags=<string>[,<string>...]: Display only resources having all of the given tags.
  • -n=<integer>: Limit the number of displayed results. By default all resources are displayed.

Exit codes

  • 0: Success.
  • 1: Bad command-line, there was an error with the arguments/options/environment variables combination. Notably happens if resource type is invalid.
  • 5: Internal error.


# List all active runs.
$ accio get runs

# List 5 last runs of John Doe.
$ accio get runs -all -n=5 -owner=jdoe

# List available operators in this cluster.
$ accio get operators